Fighting bacteria and viruses

A professional seminar, activity for parents and children in conjunction with Technoda in Hadera, educational materials and a handwashing station under UV light - Hillel Yaffe’s Infectious Diseases and Infection Control Unit with a week of special activities to promote infection prevention

Prevention of hospital-acquired infections is an important issue that Hillel Yaffe Medical Center takes very seriously. To increase awareness, HYMC’s Infectious Diseases and Infection Control Unit held several activities last week.


A professional seminar was held for the hospital staff, dedicated primarily to discussion of infection prevention challenges and solutions. Furthermore, handwashing stations under UV light were set up to check how well hands are washed and various educational materials were handed out.


Activity for parents and children held jointly with Technoda Museum in Hillel Yaffe's conference hall


At the end of the week, a joint activity was held with Technoda - the Israeli Medical and Science Museum in Hadera, which included a lecture and area for an activity for parents and children, in which the children learned about the importance of hygiene in general, and specifically about prevention of diseases and infections.


Director of Hillel Yaffe’s Infectious Diseases Unit, Dr. Regev Cohen, said, “The activity intentionally combined both personal and professional as well as serious and amusing. Washing hands, for example, is a very simple act, but sometimes seeing the difference between hands that were washed properly and hands that weren't - changes your whole perception. That's why setting up handwashing stations was just as important as it was fun. The objective was to transform hygiene into something natural and simple. A medical obligation, but also an integral part of a healthy lifestyle,” said Dr. Regev Cohen.

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