The preemie who fought for her life gave birth to twins who are admitted to the same NICU where she treated

Shiran Feldman was born 32 years ago at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, weighing only 690 grams. The doctors fought for her life, and she managed to survive against the odds. This week she was back at Hillel Yaffe and gave birth to twins, who were also admitted to the NICU, and right next to their bassinet, she met the nurse who had cared for her

In 1992, Shiran Feldman was born via emergency C-section at 26 weeks at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, after her mother had severe severe gestational diabetes. She was born weighing just 690 grams and was admitted to the NICU in very serious condition. She underwent several life-saving surgeries and, after three and a half months was discharged from the NICU completely healthy. This week, when she herself came in at 36 weeks to deliver her twins, her journey came full circle.


Shiran and her mother Gila with the NICU staff before being discharged


It’s like going back in time 32 years,” recalls Gila Kraus, Shiran's mother and grandmother of the twins. “I remember that difficult and challenging time - every day was like a roller coaster of emotions mixed with fear that she might not survive.” Today, Kraus said, their journey has come full circle, and in a way that could not be more touching, “To meet the staff that saved my daughter 32 years ago and is now treating my grandsons - it's just so incredibly moving.”


Nadia Korby, the Head Nurse of the NICU, who treated Shiran when she was a baby and now cared for her twins, says emotionally, “I remember her as a tiny baby, connected to breathing tubes, and we weren't sure if she’d pull through. To see her today as a mother and care for her children - is a real privilege for me.”


The twins, a boy and girl, were born at relatively low weights and were admitted to the NICU for a week so they could be monitored. Today they will be discharged from the NICU, healthy and happy. Congratulations once again!


Shiran as a baby with the NICU staff at Hillel Yaffe right before being discharged

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