This past month, two new clinics were opened by the High-Risk Pregnancy Unit of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center - a Gestational Diabetes Clinic and Multiple Pregnancy (twins, triplets, etc.) Clinic. Both of the clinics operate as part of the medical center's outpatient clinics, and they will provide comprehensive service to women with gestational diabetes or pregestational diabetes, and women with multiple pregnancies. Follow-up is provided from preparation for pregnancy (for women with diabetes), during pregnancy and through delivery.
Clinic staff includes the managing physician - Dr. Esti Maor Sagi in the Gestational Diabetes Clinic, and Dr. Saja Anabusi in the Multiple Pregnancy Clinic, a dedicated nursing staff and a dietitian. Furthermore, endocrinological consulting is available, ultrasound tests and fetal monitors - when necessary and as a basis for follow-up.
Dr. Esti Maor Sagi - consulting at the Gestational Diabetes Clinic
The Gestational Diabetes Clinic cares for women with gestational diabetes, pregestational type 1 and 2 diabetes, and women who are overweight. The clinic provides care for pregnancy complications related to the mother and fetus to women who have referrals and a financial commitment from their medical insurer (HMO). As previously stated, visits to the clinic include follow-up by a nurse, fetal ultrasound scan, fetal monitoring and follow-up by a physician. The frequency of the tests will be determined by medical need.
The Multiple Pregnancy Clinic is intended for women carrying two fetuses and more, a pregnancy that comes with risks that are different from standard pregnancies. Therefore, there is a need to follow-up on the unique needs of this type of pregnancy. The clinic will also perform follow-up from the very beginning of pregnancy, including the sonographic screening exam (nuchal translucency), special follow-up for early detection of pregnancy complications related to multiple pregnancies, through personalized delivery planning for each women. If necessary, consultants from other fields such as endocrinology, cardiology and more will be included. Women can come to the clinic with a referral and letter of commitment from the medical insurer (HMO).
For additional information and to schedule an appointment with one of the clinics, contact the Appointment Call Center at: 04-6304252
Dr. Saja Anabusi with Yael, who gave birth to twins at HIllel Yaffe Medical Center