The Pain Clinic operates as part of the Neurology Department's Pain Unit.
Chronic pain is defined as a disease in its own right and is characterized by biological, psychological and social changes that cause the patient to suffer.
Treating chronic pain successfully requires more than just treating the painful stimulus. Instead, a variety of aspects need to be considered such as the patient's psychological state, ability to move, social condition and daily ability to function.
Hillel Yaffe Medical Center's Pain Unit is committed to providing a home for people suffering from pain or, in other words, providing a comprehensive response to the disease of chronic pain. The concept underlying the work of the unit is to bring together a variety of services and treatments designed to alleviate the suffering of people with chronic pain. The staff at the unit believes that the whole is greater than its constituent parts, and that receiving various types of therapy under a single roof, and not randomly in the community, provides added value. Therefore, a personal plan is created for each patient, and it is designed to help alleviate pain to the greatest extent possible.
The unit includes a pain clinic, which currently and in the future will provide the following services:
Consultation and medical follow-up by a pain management specialist
Invasive pain management procedures - intramuscular injections, nerve blocks, imaging- and ultrasound-guided injections, radio wave therapy, Botox injections and more.
Intramuscular stimulation
Physical therapy
Psychological treatment
Assistance from a social worker
Nutritional therapy
Movement therapy
Support group for women with fibromyalgia
Pain management consulting to patients hospitalized in the various departments
Clinic services do not include approvals for medical cannabis. |