Breast biopsy under MRI guidance


Breast biopsy under MRI guidance is a test designed for when who have had an MRI which showed a suspicious finding that requires a biopsy.


The test is perform with the patient lying on their stomach and under local anesthesia. It includes the injection of a specific contrast agent called gadolinium. During the test, a scan similar to a standard MRI is performed along with a biopsy.


The test takes between 30-40 minutes and is not painful.


The test is performed by a radiologist, nurse and radiographer, who will provide explanations at every state of the process.


Contacting us about the test:


In order to come in for the test at the institute, you will need to send a referral from a breast surgeon as well as a referral form from your medical insurer (Form 17 - test code 19085). 

You can fax the form to 04-7748306 or e-mail it to [email protected] 

Telephone at the institute: 04-7748322.


Location of the test:


Imaging Institute, Inpatient Building A, Ground Floor - MRI Institute.


Preparation for the test and some points of emphasis:

  1. Stop taking blood thinners before the test - in consultation with your doctor. 
  2. Come in for the test together with a companion. Note that the test is performed under local anesthesia and should not interfere with your daily schedule. 
  3. Make sure to bring all the imaging tests performed at previous institutes, before making the appointment, include interpretation of the MRI. 
  4. If you are allergic to the anesthetic lidocaine - this needs to be reported prior to scheduling the appointment.
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