Remembering together

Hillel Yaffe's ceremony in honor of Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Hostile Acts was dedicated this year to the personal stories of hospital staff, Some of whom had personally experienced combat, demonstrated heroism and regrettably bereavement as well

The staff of Hillel Yaffe Medical Center along with the hospital's management gathered for the sound of the siren and for the ceremony to commemorate Memorial Day for Israel’s Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Hostile Acts. At the opening of the ceremony, the hospital's rabbi, Rabbi Dovev Bindiger recited the prayer, El Maleh Rachamim. Administrative Director, Rafi Koren, shared with those present the heroism of a combat soldier in the special forces unit of the Nahal Brigade, Aner Elyakim Shapiro, of blessed memory, who saved the lives of eight people who fled from the massacre at the Nova Festival and huddled in a public bomb shelter near Kibbutz Re’im.


Inbar Weitzman, Head Nurse in the Operating Room, spoke of the tremendous pain felt in the department since Nitzan Shesler, z”l, the son of Perach Shesler, an operating room nurse, fell in battle this past January in the southern Gaza Strip.


Director of the Technical Department, Yaniv Rostemi, and Shulamit Lugassy of the Human Resources Department, spoke of their personal experiences since the start of Swords of Iron - he as a commander in the reserves and she as the mother of a son in the special forces unit of the Paratroopers Brigade.


Wellness Coordinator Daniella Akev read an excerpt from Noam Horev’s poem, Prophecy and, at the end of the ceremony, everyone stood for the singing of Hatikva, lit memorial candles and prayed for the speedy and healthy return of the hostages.


Shulamit Lugassy speaking at the Memorial Day Ceremony at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center

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