Outstanding papers and research in a very complex year

Hillel Yaffe Medical Center held its annual Research Day, during which over 90 research projects conducted by the medical center's experts in various fields were showcased

The day was opened by Prof. Ariel Roguin, Cardiac Division Director, who chaired the Research Day Organizing Committee. He reviewed the process used to collect and select the research projects presented and mentioned the three projects that were awarded the Outstanding Research Prize, from the Gynecology Department, Cardiology Department and Laboratory Division.


Then, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the Technion, Prof. Ami Aronheim, spoke and noted the importance of conducting research at this time when Israel is at war, and the impact of this reality on the ability to conduct and publish research. Director General of the Medical Center, Dr. Mickey Dudkiewicz, also referred to the complexity of conducting research and its demanding nature, alongside the pride and deep admiration for the researchers.


The management of Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, the organizing team, Dean of the Technion's Faculty of Medicine and the guest lecturer at the start of Research Day


Innovation and Research Division Director, Dr. Sharon Rashi-Elkeles, summed things up by saying that research nurtures innovation, contributes to advancing medical knowledge, leads to improved protocols and development of innovative technologies, with the presence and hard work of the experts being critical to this.


During Research Day, the attendees heard a lecture by Prof. Yosi Shacham-Diamond, Director of the Scojen Institute of Synthetic Biology at Reichman University, about the inherent potential of integrating the fields of bio-convergence and the science of medicine. He provided examples of how innovative biology and engineering technologies can come together to respond to medical challenges that remain unresolved.


The researchers themselves presented the various research studies to the audience in the lobby of the conference hall, where the winning research studies were also showcased. The medical center's finest research studies were highlighted in a special book of abstracts that was produced in honor of the event. The publications came from all Hillel Yaffe departments and divisions, including nursing, pharmacy, social work and laboratories. Over the coming month, visitors to the medical center will be able to view the posters that were presented on Research Day in the lobby of Building A.

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