Scholarships for student nurses

This week scholarships were awarded to students with impressive academic achievements at the School of Nursing at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center. The scholarships are thanks to the generous donation of the Carasso family, with the assistance of Friends of Hillel Yaffe Medical Center

The scholarships were awarded to 13 students at Hillel Yaffe’s School of Nursing with outstanding academic achievement, strong activity and involvement at the school, and in accordance with additional predefined criteria. The funding for the scholarships was possible thanks to the generous donation of the Carasso family, with the assistance of Chairman of Friends of Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Mr. Moshe Morag.


Dr. Merav Ben Natan, Director of the School of Nursing, said, “I want to thank the Carasso family and Friends of Hillel Yaffe Medical Center from the bottom of my heart for their generosity in providing the scholarships to students who are the next generation of the health care system in Israel. The scholarships provide financial relief during these difficult times and always.”


Participants in the ceremony at which the scholarships were awarded at the School of Nursing

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