Dedicated to Torah values

Rabbi of Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Dovev Bindiger, decided to join the national effort and report for reserve duty. He is currently in the officer training course and is on his way to realizing his dream of becoming a military rabbi

Rabbi Dovev Bindiger. From Hillel Yaffe
to Officer Training Course

In normal times, you can find the rabbi of Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Rabbi Dovev Bindiger, in the hospital's corridors. Everyone knows him. He always has a smile on his face, is energetically handling a variety of issues related to Jewish religious law for patients, their families and hospital staff.


Rabbi Bindiger, 45 years old, father of 6 and resident of Neria in Mateh Binyamin, studied at Mercaz Harav for about 10 years, and after serving as a community rabbi in various places, he was appointed as rabbi of Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, a position he has held for eight years now.


“I have been out of the IDF for almost a decade,” said Rabbi Bindiger. “I was a combat soldier in the Armored Corps, and also did reserve duty. I never missed a day. Whenever required, until the day I was discharged, I reported for duty to serve my country. After October 7, I felt an ever-growing need to do my share for my country and for our soldiers. I view this as a true calling, to help the People of Israel at this difficult time. I spoke to my managers at the hospital and asked to take a leave from my position in order to serve in the reserves and, at the same time, I sent a request to the IDF. After receiving the approvals and, of course, also the okay from my wife, I was on my way,” he said with a smile.


Now Rabbi Bindiger is completing an officer training course at Bahad 11, and is slated to be appointed as an associate military rabbi. “The People of Israel are living through a challenging year. It is my duty and the duty of anyone who has the strength to help to join the effort,” he said.


“I am a religious man who practices the major and minor aspects of Judaism. It’s important to me to fill our soldiers in the field with spirit and mental resilience. I want to contribute and believe that it is possible to serve in the military and live according to Jewish law and the Torah. I did so in the past as a combat soldier and today will continue to do my share as a military rabbi, who is also a community rabbi.”

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