Kudos on the new title

Mickey Dudkiewicz, Director General of Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, added a new title to his name this week, Clinical Associate Professor, awarded to him by the Technion’s Faculty of Medicine. From now on: Prof. Mickey Dudkiewicz

Prof. Dudkiewicz has been the director of Hillel Yaffe since 2015. He completed medical school at the Technion as part of the academic reserve. He specialized in ENT – Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery and Rabin Medical Center and served as a physician in a number of roles, including in the Israeli Air Force’s Rescue Unit, as a brigade physician and in the Medical Corps’ Trauma Division. Prof. Dudkiewicz specialized in medical administration at the Ministry of Health and at Wolfson Hospital. He earned his master’s degree in health systems management (MHA) from Ben-Gurion University in Beer-Sheva. Since 2023, Prof. Dudkiewicz has also served as the director of Israel’s largest mental health center - Sha’ar Menashe.


Prof. Dudkiewicz received the title of Clinical Associate Professor personally from Prof. Ami Aronheim, Dean of the Technion's Faculty of Medicine.


This senior appointment comes in addition to the two clinical associate professor appointments recently awarded to staff members of Hillel Yaffe: Pediatric Division Director, Prof. Adi Klein, and Prof. Eran Leshem, Electrophysiology and Pacemaker Unit Director. Another academic appointment, as Clinical Professor, was received by the Orthopedic Oncology Unit Director, Prof. Jacob Bickels.

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