Heads of local authorities meet at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center

The heads of the local authorities visited Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, where they were updated on important issues such as the hospital’s emergency preparedness, community health promotion, new medical services, construction and infrastructures

The heads of the local authorities from Hadera, Or Akiva, Umm al-Fahm, Baqa-Jatt, Binyamina-Givat Ada, Menashe Regional Council, Emek Hefer Regional Council, Basma, Alona Regional Council, Elyakhin, Zemer and more participated in the meeting, which was also attended by the management of the medical center.


Director General of Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Prof. Mickey Dudkiewicz, updated the participants on all the developments at the hospital over the past year, including the emergency preparations at the hospital from the first days of the war and to date.


Heads of the local authorities and management of Hillel Yaffe Medical Center at the entrance to the hospital


During the meeting, they discussed various issues, at the heart of which was the provision of essential and quality medical services for the benefit of the residents of the region, which the hospital wants to promote as they have the potential to save lives and cure residents.


Everyone in attendance expressed their appreciation for the work, development and advancement of the hospital and made various suggestions for cooperation to promote health and more. At the end of the meeting, they were given of a tour of the site currently being excavated and where the foundations are being built for the new building that will house the Department of Emergency Medicine, the operating rooms and new protected inpatient area.


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