Edema? Inflammation? MLD

A new service at Hillel Yaffe's Alternative Medicine Clinic: manual lymphatic drainage (massage) to provide relief and healing through treatment given with a gentle, rhythmic touch. The Vascular Surgery Unit welcomes the use of MLD in the treatment of patients suffering from edema of vascular pathology

Manual Lymphatic Drainage, or MLD, is a treatment method based on gentle massages that encourages circulation of the skin through the application of rhythmic, pressure-free motion (the MLD method). The method is used to treat edema and pathologies linked to various inflammations as well as pain and lymphatic-based skin diseases. Edema might have multiple origins, the most common of which are infections, various surgeries and cancer treatments (surgeries that include the removal of lymph nodes, radiation therapy and chemotherapy). MLD has proven effective in alleviating congestion in the lymphatic system, in the treatment of pain and neurological disorders as well as improving post-operative recovery. MLD has also been used to provide relief for injuries, ear and sinus infections, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle pain and cramping, acute traumas (surgeries), sports injuries, acne, burns, ulcers and even 'simpler' issues such as prevention of stretch marks and edema during pregnancy.


"The lymphatic system is a network of thin-walled conduits located in nearly every part of the body," explains Ernest Berkovitch, who has been using this method for several years and who currently operates the service at the Hillel Yaffe Alternative Medicine Clinic. "These vessels transport lymphatic fluids from interstitial spaces in the tissues, primarily draining them to the veins in the base of the neck, and then back to the heart. Lymph valves are one-directional, preventing lymphatic backflow. The lymph nodes, located in the lymph ducts, are biological filters of lymphatic fluid designed to prevent bacteria and other foreign objects from reaching the blood stream. The nodes also produce antibodies and lymphocytes – in other words, help the body produce white blood cells that destroy bacteria and foreign objects in our body. From this perspective, lymph nodes are the body's barrier to pathogens such as bacteria and cancer cells."


How MLD – Manual Lymphatic Drainage – is Performed

MLD involves gentle, rhythmic massage that encourages circulation of the skin and underlying tissue without pressure and in extremely specific, rhythmic motions that help drain the interstitial fluid towards the lymph nodes. In other words, the method helps the lymphatic system function much more effectively. The accumulation of lymphatic fluid prevents normal metabolism in the tissue, resulting in diminished blood flow as well as an accumulation of retained waste from the site. In order to heal, the body requires two main conditions: cleanliness and normal blood flow. In a pathological condition of accumulated lymphatic fluid, the body is prevented from treating itself. In addition, the formation of edema generates nervous stress and pain. 




Manual lymphatic drainage – massage with rhythmic motions Ernest Berkovitch performing MLD

Invented in the 1930s, manual lymphatic drainage was first performed in southern France, and then gained widespread use around the world. MLD is currently performed at medical centers worldwide alongside conservative treatments for edema.

The Vascular Surgery Department at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center welcomes this new service as another tool that may help patients suffering from edema, primarily in their legs. Department Director Dr. Issek Portnoi said, "In some cases, people come to us suffering from repeated edema due to problems in the lymphatic ducts (a large percentage of these patients suffer from infections in subcutaneous tissues – Erysipelas), but for whom surgical treatment was not an option. In these cases, MLD is a feasible solution that may significantly alleviate pain and edema."

Treatments, provided as part of Hillel Yaffe's Alternative Medicine Clinic and under close medical supervision, are performed by Mr. Ernest Berkovitch, a multidisciplinary therapist in alternative medicine and senior specialist in lymphatic therapies.

For additional information, please call 04-6304671.

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