Zero Separation Service

At the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center Maternity Department, women are offered the option of zero separation, which allows them to be with their babies continuously from birth to discharge

After giving birth, the mother remains in the delivery room for about two hours. During this time, she is offered three possible rooming-in methods: zero separation, full rooming in or partial rooming in.


Full rooming in: This is a rooming-in method that allows a mother to be admitted to the Maternity Department while the baby is admitted to the Newborn and Neonatal Care Department. After admission, the baby is brought to stay continuously with the mother.


Partial rooming in: This is a rooming-in method, where the mother can sleep through the night, by bringing her baby to the Newborn and Neonatal Care Department for observation starting at 10:00 p.m.


Zero separation - a service provided by the medical center’s Maternity Department immediately following childbirth. This is a process in which a mother is allowed to remain with her baby continuously from the time of birth through discharge. It is one of the rooming-in options offered, if desired by the mother and depending on the baby’s condition.





Zero separation - how does it work? 

  • Starting in the delivery room, while the baby is with the mother, the neonatologist will come to perform the initial examination of the baby. Additionally, a nurse from the Newborn and Neonatal Care Department will come to provide initial care for the baby. This includes: vaccinations and putting ointment in the eyes. 
  • The entire time she is in the delivery room, the mother and baby will be under the observation of the midwife, who will also provide initial instruction on breastfeeding. • All care provided to the baby will be done in the presence and with the consent of the parents. 
  • From the delivery room, the mother and baby will be taken together directly to the Maternity Department, accompanied by the midwife and a companion of the mother’s choice.

Important! At any time during their hospital stay, mothers may switch to a different method of rooming in.


For additional Information, please e-mail: [email protected]


Additionally, tours of the delivery rooms are conducted every Friday at 10:00 a.m., with our team of experts on hand to answer any questions about the upcoming birth.

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