The Orthopedics B Department


Head of Orthopedic Array: Dr. Eyal Behrbalk

Deputy Director: Dr. Nurit Shadmi

Head Nurse: Ms. Milana Abramov 

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Senior Physicians:

Dr. Muhammed Talas – Knee Joint Service
Prof. Jacob Bickles - Orthopedic Oncology
Dr. Maxim Gorvitch – Diabetic Foot Unit Director
Dr. Uri Hadash – Foot and Ankle Service
Dr. Ofir Uri - Specialist in the Shoulder Unit
Dr. Yaron Sela - Head of the Hand and Elbow Surgery Service
Dr. Gaby Gutman - Spinal Unit

Dr. Liad Haimovich - Spinal Unit

Dr. Yoram Folman
Dr. Alexander Vionenko 

Dr. Muhmmad Yunes 



Dr. Haitham Masarwa

Dr. Muhammad Abu Hussein

Dr. Salim Samara

Dr. Rivka (Rivi) Shalom

Dr. Moshe Gerzulin

Dr. Oren Barash

Dr. Obeida Akhtilat

Dr. Omar Mansour

Dr. Inbar Paz

Dr. Jamal Wadal

Dr. Noa Martinovich

Dr. Liad Alfandari

Dr. Artium Shmulevich

Dr. Noa Gips

Dr. Hamza Jabareen

Dr. Ofer Taksiro

Dr. Binyamin Finkel

Dr. Louie Takruri

Dr. Asil Mahamid

Dr. Hadar Gan-Or 

Dr. MIchael Pavlenko

Dr. Amir Abu-Elheeya



Ms. Shosh Shilian - Department Secretary

Ms. Elinor Atias - Department Director Secretary

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The Department provides service to most emergency and elective orthopedic surgical areas. The Department performs the following types of surgery:


Shoulder and Elbow Surgeries

The surgeries are performed by Dr. Gil Laufer (fellowship at Queen's Medical Center in England) and Dr. Ofir Uri (fellowship at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, England) and include regular and reverse shoulder replacement, surgical arthroscopy, ligament restoration, joint stabilization and treatment of shoulder traumas.


Spinal Surgeries

Surgeries coordinated by Dr. Eyal Behrbalk include bone fixations, herniated disc removal, spinal stenosis decompression, fixation of degenerative disc spaces and treatment of infections and tumors.


Knee and Hip Surgeries The surgeries are coordinated by Dr. Muhammed Talas (fellowship at University of Tampere, Finland) and include knee arthroscopy, meniscus surgeries, ligament restoration and knee replacement.


Foot Surgeries

The surgeries are performed in the Orthopedics Department by Dr. Maxim Gorvitch (fellowship at Loyola University Chicago, USA) and Dr. Uri Hadash. The surgeries include surgeries to repair congenital and acquired anomalies including bunion anomaly, stiff big toe, claw toe, and surgeries to restore the front of the foot, ankle arthroscopies, fixations in the foot and ankle, treatment of diabetic foot and treatment of foot and ankle trauma.


Hand and shoulder surgeries

Surgery is performed by Dr. Yaron Sela

·         Treatment of fractures, injuries of tendons and nerves in the upper body - shoulder, elbow and hand.

·         Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome and syndromes related to pressure on other nerves.

·         Release of trigger finger, treatment of impingement syndromes and syndromes with inflammation of the tendons.

·         Treatment of injuries to ligaments and sports injuries of the hand, elbow and shoulder.

·         Arthroscopies of the shoulder, elbow, palm and thumb.

·         Surgical and nonsurgical treatment of osteoarthritis and arthritis of the hand / elbow / shoulder, including immobilization and joint replacement.

·         All congenital and acquired problems of the upper body in children.

·         Microsurgery of the upper body and more.


Trauma Surgeries

The surgeries are coordinated by Dr. Nurit Shadmi (fellowship at University of Alabama, USA) and include restoration and fixation of broken os longum (long bones) and joints as well as complex external fixations.


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Useful information

Number of Beds:




Building B, Third Floor


Telephone Numbers:

Nurses Station – 04-7744744

Secretary – 04-7744738


Fax: 04-7744886



[email protected]


Consult with a Senior Physician / the Department Director:

The department doctors  are available to provide you and your family with explanations and medical information.

Hours: Sunday – Thursday: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Friday: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

To schedule a consult with the Department Director, please call his secretary at 04-7744738.

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