Surgery B Department


Surgery Division Director: Prof. Boris Kassel

Deputy Department Director and Trauma Unit Director:  Dr. Alexander Kurin

Endocrine Surgery Service Director: Prof. Michael Kraus

Bariatric Service Director: Dr. Jamal Gazamawi

Head Nurse: Ms. Sarah Badash

Coordinating Nurse, Trauma Unit: Hashan Tawfik

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Senior Physicians:

Prof. Ricardo Alfissi

Dr. Younes Urwa

Dr. David Aranovich – Head of Hepatology and Bile Duct Surgery Service



Dr. Kobi Daskal

Dr. Camarillo Karrdo

Dr. Gil Hameiri

Dr. Sivan Barkai Shalev

Dr. Najat Maraana

Dr. Olesya Ignatenko



Ms. Ziva Regev

Ms Zohar Abramov

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Useful information

Telephone Numbers:

Nurses Station – 04-7744544/3

Secretary – 04-7744761

Physicians’ Room – 04-7744760/801

Fax: 04-7744545


Office hours for senior physician/department director:

Visiting hours: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Physicians perform their rounds from 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. During rounds, the department will be closed to visitors and entrance will not be permitted. Patients who have undergone surgery need rest and privacy. Additionally, after surgery the immune system is depressed and the chances of infection increase. Therefore, we ask that you refrain from lengthy visits and follow instructions provided by the staff. After rounds are over, it will be possible to speak to a physician. We ask visitors to refrain from sitting on the patient's bed or on empty beds in order to prevent infection. Bringing food and beverages from home into the department is strictly prohibited. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


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The surgeries performed in the department utilize the most cutting-edge technology and innovative equipment available. Department physicians, who have undergone specialized training in laparascopic surgery in Europe and the United States, have extensive experience in performing bariatric and gastric bypass surgery, splenectomies and surgeries on the adrenal gland, large intestine and pancreas. The Department, which also performs general and trauma surgery, is recognized as a center for pancreatic surgeries – benign and malignant surgeries and is responsible for HYMC's trauma system under normal circumstances as well as during emergencies. Furthermore, it is recognized as a regional trauma center by the Ministry of Health.


Consulting Clinics

The Department operates consulting and monitoring clinics that are managed by senior physicians who specialize in the following fields: 

  • General Surgery 
  • Breast Health 
  • Oncological Surgery 
  • Obesity 
  • Proctology 
  • Liver

Department doctors work with all HMOs so that continuity of care is maintained even after patients are discharged.


The Nursing Staff

The Department's nursing staff is made up of registered nurses with academic degrees who have undergone surgical training. Based on a holistic philosophy and patient- and family-oriented view, the nursing approach is focused on patients and their families. They aim to provide top quality care, while protecting the patient's dignity and rights.


Admissions and Discharge Procedures

When you arrive at the department / unit, your medical and nursing history will be taken from you, helping us create your individual treatment protocol. The division of labor is based on a method in which a member of the nursing staff is put in charge of several patients and is responsible for their care, including coordinating the various parties treating the patient such as dietician, physical therapist, social worker, inter-departmental consultants and community therapy systems – to ensure continuity of treatment during and after hospitalization. During and after hospitalization, you are entitled to receive medical information from your medical file, free of charge, from a member of the department staff. Following your discharge from the hospital, information can be obtained through the hospital's medical records department (for a fee).

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Academic and Research Activity

The Surgery B Department is affiliated with the Technion’s Rappaport Faculty of Medicine in Haifa. The Department is involved in extensive research published in prestigious medical journals around the world. Two physicians in the Department have previously served as Chairman of the Israel Surgical Association.

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