Transcranial Doppler (TCD) Clinic


The service is offered as part of the Department of Neurology. The coordinator of the service is Dr. Sergio Shabtai, Deputy Department Director.
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About the Service

In April 2013, Hillel Yaffe opened the Transcranial Doppler (TCD) Clinic to allow patients who have suffered strokes, the number two cause of mortality in the western world, to undergo noninvasive imaging exams that can potentially prevent another stroke.


This is equipment that makes it possible to precisely identify several reasons for the stroke. In other words, whether the stroke was caused because of stenosis of the intercranial blood vessels or whether it is secondary to blood clots (that can reach the brain from various and distant parts of the body). This technology can be used to detect movement of blood clots between the chambers of the heart (patent foramen ovale), to facilitate a future decision on closing the PFO through catheterization.


When there has been stenosis of the intercranial blood vessels, the test enables a more accurate decision on whether to perform brain catheterization and expansion of the damaged blood vessels. Additionally, in cases of suspected brain death, TCD is very important tool for precise diagnosis of disruption of blood flow to the brain.


A special population on which TCD is performed are children with a hematological disease (sickle cell disease), that can lead to strokes at a young age. The test can diagnose intercranial blood flow disorders in a child with the disease and facilitate better treatment in order to prevent strokes at a young age.

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Useful information

How to Reach Us

A neurologist, cardiologist or family physician generally decided on whether a TCD test is necessary. Patients must bring a referral from their attending physician with them to the clinic as well as a payment undertaking from their HMO (Form 17). The referral must be sent by fax: 04-6332861. The notice of appointment will be sent by mail.


Days of Operation

In the Outpatient Clinics, Thursdays from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

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