X-ray - Imaging Institute


Director (Acting): Dr. Michael Auster

Deputy Institute Director: Dr. Uri Shwimo

Imaging Institute Office Manager: Ms. Carmit Dror

Chief Radiographer: Ms. Rana Liamin Leventer

Head Nurse: Ninel Lugassi

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Senior physicians:

Dr. Dan Hevron – Director of the Invasive Radiology Unit

Dr. Abed el Rauf Zina – Director of the CT Unit, specialist in CT Cardiac Imaging

Dr. Nadir Reisendorf – Director of the Ultrasound Unit

Dr. Natalia Kochnovski – Director of the Breast Imaging Unit

Dr. Rima Kravitzki – Ultrasound Specialist and Pediatric Radiology

Dr. Ronny Sharter – Director of the MRI Unit

Dr. Shimon Mimon – Senior Neuroradiologist

Dr. Amorina Ishay – Cardiothoracic Radiology Specialist

Dr. Victor Plasovskich – Specialist Radiologist

Dr. Sarah Alexandra Levit Kantor – Specialist Radiologist


Resident physicians:

Dr. Rabia Sfadi

Dr. Olga Bazarova

Dr. Mahmud Abuhussein

Dr. Shira Vardi

Dr. Mahmud Tasnin

Dr. Margarita Yarmayev

Dr. Ludmila Fuchs

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About 150,000 tests are carried out every year at the Imaging Institute, both on patients hospitalized at the Medical Center and on patients in the community referred by the various HMOs. The institute performs various types of imaging tests, including X-rays in the institute itself, in the Department of Emergency Medicine (ER), and in the hospital's other departments using portable machines. Imaging is also conducted in the operating rooms, using CT, US and MRI scans and invasive radiology tests.


All the radiological data is preserved in a PACS (picture archiving and communication system), the most advanced computerized system of its kind both in Israel and in the world, to ensure that all data is securely preserved with complete medical confidentiality. The radiographers view all the imaging tests on digital workstations in the institute. The information is distributed to all hospital departments and can be accessed immediately by the clinical physicians on
computer screens located throughout the medical center. A similar link enables senior radiologists to view all the images and tests from home, allowing 24-hour consultation with the duty radiologist and with clinical physicians.


The following units operate in the Imaging Institute:


X-Rays and Imaging

The institute has three digital-imaging rooms using DR system (without the use of a cassette) which is also used for trauma imaging, and 10 mobile X-ray machines are deployed in the various departments and in the Department of Emergency Medicine (ER). The unit has four mobile scanning machines, three in the operating rooms and one in the Department of Emergency Medicine.


CT Unit

Unit Director - Dr. Abed el Rauf Zaina

Chief radiographer - Mr. Juad Saabana


The unit has an advanced Philips Brilliance CT 64-slice scanner. The unit is currently undergoing extensive renovations. As part of this effort, two advanced Siemens CT scanners were purchased.


The unit conducts scans on adults and children, including CT scans of the chest, abdomen and pelvis, special scans of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract, CT of the brain, spinal column and skeletal system, vascular CT for different parts of the body, and CT of the heart and coronary arteries. The unit performs a whole-body CT in cases of trauma, and CT-guided invasive tests such as biopsies, drainage, etc.


Ultra Sound Unit (US)

Unit Director - Dr. Nadir Reisendorf

Chief radiographer - Ms. Insa Slovodnik 


The unit has Siemens S-2000 machine, with advanced research technology, two GE LOGIQ machines, and a SONOSITE mobile machine. 


The unit carries out various types of US scans, including: Scans of the abdomen, blood vessels, soft tissues and musculoskeletal system, special scans for infants and premature babies, and diagnostic punctures (biopsies). 


Invasive Radiology Unit

Unit Director - Dr. Dan Hebron

Chief Radiographer - Mr. Uzi Zamir


The unit, located in the Imaging Institute, carries out diagnostic and treatment procedures using various imaging means - (Fluoroscopy), CT scanning and US.


The unit operates highly-advanced equipment, a Philips Integris Allura C-Arm device, one designated US device and advanced disposable equipment.


The unit performs invasive procedures on a range of anatomical systems:

  • Blood vessels - diagnostic and therapeutic arterial and venous catheterization, including stent and balloon treatment for strictures, and treatment of bleeding using embolization. The unit provides the Nephrology Institute with a full and comprehensive service in all aspects of Vascular Access (location and treatment of catheterizations, AVF treatment, including dialysis graft thrombectomy).
  • Urinary system - diagnostic and therapeutic tests (Nephrostomy, Nephrouretrostomy, Balloon Dilatation).
  • Biliary system – diagnostic and therapeutic tests (PTC – Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography, PTCD – Drainage, Balloon Dilatation, Stent Placement).
  • Various body-organ biopsies and drainage (abscesses, gallbladder) guided by US / CT.


Breast Imaging Unit

Unit Head - Dr. Natalia Kochnovski
Head Radiographer - Tagrid Younis

The Breast Imaging Unit at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center is engaged in early detection of breast cancer, through the use of several forms of imaging - some of the most advanced and innovative in the field, depending on what is necessary: digital mammography, including tomosynthesis for screening and diagnosis, ultrasound, ultrasound-guided biopsy and mammography with tomosynthesis, marking prior to surgery, placement of clips prior to chemotherapy and more.

The institute uses the most advanced and innovative equipment, some of which is only available at very few large centers in Israel such as mammography with tomosynthesis and tomosynthesis-guided biopsy. In some cases, it is the only center in Israel with the equipment such as automatic robotic ultrasound to scan the entire volume of the breast.

Additional Information


MRI Unit

Unit Director - Dr. Ronnie Sharter

Head Radiographer - Mr. Gad Ben Yitzchak 


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a very powerful magnetic field and radio waves to conduct a noninvasive scan of the inside of the body, without the use of X-rays (ionizing radiation). One of the advantages of MRI, aside from the fact that it does not involve ionizing radiation, is that it is able to perform good distinction of soft tissues without harming body tissues. Furthermore, this imaging method enables the body to be scanned from various angles, without the patient having to change position.


The unit's services are available to the general public. To schedule an appointment, call 04-6188419. To receive the service, you must have a letter of referral from the attending physician and a letter of financial commitment from your medical insurer.


The waits for MRIs at Hillel Yaffe are especially short!

If you need to undergo an MRI,

ask your HMO for a referral to Hillel Yaffe.

To schedule an appointment call: 04-6188419  


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Useful Information


Ground floor, behind outpatient clinics, next to the operating rooms


Telephone numbers:

Organization - 04-7744418/4465

Admissions Office/US - 04-7744358, 04-7744467

Appointments for MRI – 04-7748419



MRI – 04-774804

CT - 04-7748404

Admissions Office/US Appointments - 04-7744884



[email protected]  

MRI Unit: [email protected]

CT Unit: [email protected]

Breast Imaging Unit: [email protected]

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