Mohs surgery service – Removing malignant facial tumors


Service Director: Dr. Ofer Arnon

Managing Unit: The Plastic Surgery Unit (Director: Dr. Yoram Wolf)

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Mohs surgery is a surgical method for removing malignant facial tumors. Cancerous facial tumors are very common and occur due to large amounts of exposure to the sun. The Mohs method is effective for treating two major skin tumors: Basic Cell Carcinoma – BCC, which is also the most common (around 95%), is a tumor which does not metastasize, but can spread and create sores. The second kind – Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC), which, like the first type, appears on parts of the body which are exposed to the sun, can spread to the lymph glands or any other organs.


The Mohs surgical technique is designed to remove cancerous skin tumors of these kinds, as well as recurring tumors, and tumors which have clinical borders which are difficult to define. The techniques primarily focus on places which are important to restore (eyelids, nose, lips, outer ears, etc.). It allows minimal excision of healthy tissue around the tumor, and a more precise and aesthetic result.


The method is carried out together with an immediate examination of the tissue by a pathologist, enabling rapid answers regarding the type of tumor. This tumor removal method has a success rate of 97%-99%. The procedure itself is quick, and the patient is released on the same day if everything goes as it should.

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Useful information

How to reach and contact us: 

  • At the moment, the service is offered to everyone who is determined to be suited for the method. 
  • Appointments require a referral from a dermatologist or plastic surgeon (and in some cases also a referral by the family physician), as well as a financial commitment form from the medical insurer (health fund). 
  • To make an appointment, send the referral and accompanying forms to fax 04-7744885 or email: [email protected] 
  • For further details, please call: 04-7748248.
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