The Gastroenterology Institute


Director (Acting): Dr. Oren Gal

Head Nurse: Ms. Smadar Nafrin

Administrator: Ms. Ilana Pinchasov

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Dr. Baruch Ovadia – IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Unit Director

Dr. Fadi Abu-Bacher – Liver Unit Director

Dr. Orly Eshach-Adiv – Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Unit Director

Dr. Roman Depsames – Gastroenterologist

Dr. Amani Bishara – Gastroenterologist

Dr. Moran Levin – Gastroenterologist

Dr. Shaul Pery – Gastroenterologist

Dr. Fadia Younis – Gastroenterologist

Dr. Dorin Nicola – Gastroenterology Resident

Dr. Randa Natour – Gastroenterology Resident


Ms. Elisabeth Mahajana – MSc, Clinical Study Coordinator


Proctology Clinic

Dr. Mark Kirshon – Proctology Surgeon


Alternative Medicine

Dr. Eran Magon – Ayurvedic Medicine

Kobi Rosengarten – Alternative Medicine Director

Ms. Liora Suberi – Reflexologist

Ms. Daphna Levi Eliyahu – Chinese/Japanese Medicine



Ms. Alina Boniovitch – Registered Nurse

Ms. Alina Oren – Registered Nurse

Ms. Sabina Feyzullayeva – Registered Nurse

Ms. Leah Schreiber – Registered Nurse

Ms. Bruria Shoshan – Registered Nurse

Mr. Fuaz Muasi – Registered Nurse


Ms. Ahuva Gondai – Nurse Aide

Ms. Rina Kadosh – Nurse Aide

Moshe Vata Mologota – Nurse Aide



Ms. Lila Boga – Medical Secretary

Ms. Yafit Shahar – Medical Secretary

Ms. Bat El Yosufov – Medical Secretary

Ms. Sarah Tadila Grad – Medical Secretary

Ms. Sandra Karliker – Medical Secretary

Ms. Yael Ahrak – Medical Secretary


Allied Health

Ms. Maria Shaul – Medical Psychologist

Ms. Sarah Stern Kitai – Nutrition and Diet Department Director

Ms. Adi Saar Locker – Physical Therapist, Senior Coordinator of Women's Health

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Hillel Yaffe Medical Center's Gastroenterology Institute was one of the first places in Israel to perform endoscopic exams. The Gastroenterology Institute provides a wide and comprehensive range of services:



  • Adult Gastrointestinal Disease Clinic 
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinic 
  • Liver Disease Clinic 
  • Pancreatic and Biliary Disease Clinic 
  • Special Clinic for Neurogastroenterology – Motility and Pelvic Floor 
  • Biofeedback Therapy - Pelvic Floor 
  • Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Motility Laboratory - esophageal manometry, anorectal manometry 
  • Esophageal 24-hour pH monitoring 
  • H. pylori breath test 
  • Breath tests to identify lactose intolerance 
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth breath tests

A wide variety of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures are performed at the institute: 

  • Gastroscopy - optical scan of the upper gastrointestinal tract 
  • Colonoscopy - optical scan of the large intestine 
  • Enteroscopy - optical scan of the small intestine 
  • ERCP - imaging of the bile ducts and pancreas with the option of treating various diseases such as stone disease. 
  • Cholangioscopy - viewing of the bile ducts for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes (stone disease, tumors) 
  • Upper and lower endoscopic ultrasound - examination of the internal organs in the gastrointestinal tract through a combination of visual evaluation and ultrasound of the organs adjacent to the digestive tract such as the pancreas and bile ducts. It also makes it possible to examine lesions in the gastrointestinal wall. 
  • Transrectal ultrasonography - TRUS 
  • Transrectal ultrasonography 
  • VCE – video capsule endoscopy to diagnose diseases of the small intestine 
  • RFA – treatment using radio frequency ablation for upper gastrointestinal vascular lesions and diseases of the lower esophagus
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Useful Information

Institute Building, Ground Floor


Telephone Numbers:


Fax: 04-7744408


[email protected]


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Explanations Before Endoscopies

Endoscopic Ultrasound Scanning



ECRP - Endoscopic Retrogeade Cholangiopancreatography

Rectal Manometry

Esophageal Manometry

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Academic and Research Activity

  • In addition to the regular treatment provided, the institute also conducts research in a variety of fields related to diseases of the digestive tract and liver.
  • The institute is affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa.
  • The Institutes senior staff members have academic appointments at the Faculty of Medicine.
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