Occupational Safety and Hygiene


Director: Ms. Polina Metzer, MSc Public Health

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The work of the Occupational Safety and Hygiene Unit is designed to prevent work accidents and occupational diseases.


We are guided by three main objectives:


1. Complying with laws and regulations relating to work safety, hygiene and environmental protection.


2. Instilling knowledge of safety and hygiene practices among hospital employees.


3. Coordinating and monitoring occupational safety and hygiene activity at the medical center.


The role of Safety Officer is defined in the Labor Inspection Organization Regulations (Safety Officers, 1996) is to advise the employer about the laws, regulations and standards that are relevant to occupational safety and hygiene, to assist personnel with all issues regarding their safety, hygiene, ergonomics and occupational health, while at the same time heightening their awareness of them by conducting the following activities:


1. Identifying safety and hygiene hazards and informing the employer of them.


2. Ensuring the existence of appropriate safety and hygiene mechanisms.


3. Requiring implementation of safety and hygiene arrangements in work processes at facilities, with equipment and materials.


4. Taking action to comply with the Labor Inspection Organization Regulations (Provision of Information and Employee Training, 1984).


5. Ensuring the preparation of a Safety Plan and revising it as required by the Labor Inspection Organization Regulations (Safety Plan, 1984).


6. Ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Safety Plan.


7. Establishing the reasons and circumstances behind work accidents and occupational diseases.


8. Collecting all of the information and documentation regarding work accidents and occupational diseases.


9. Drafting safety and hygiene guidelines and a written summary of information about work risks; reporting to the employer if they are violated.


10. Ensuring that hazardous materials and equipment are labelled, that work processes are in place and that training signs on use of personal protective equipment are posted.


11. Ensuring performance of tests and follow up on the proper working order of safety and hygiene mechanisms, personal protective equipment, tools and equipment that by law requires periodic testing.


12. Guaranteeing performance of routine medical exams for employees who are exposed to material for which there is a requirement to perform such exams.


13. Ensuring performance of occupational environment tests required by law or under the regulations and informing the employer and employees of the results of the tests and the steps that need to be taken.


14. Demanding discontinuation of work when there is an immediate danger to the life or health of employees and to report such to the employer.


15. Ensuring the existence of an Emergency Plan.


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Useful Information


Inpatient Building A, 2nd. floor 

Telephone Numbers:





[email protected]


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