Patient Admissions


Dept. Director: Nini Bar Yaacov

Deputy Director: Ruthie Tamir

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The patients who arrive at the Emergency Room are generally referred by: the various medicare companies, the IDF, the Red Magen David, private doctors, the police force, the school nurse, employers, and more.


These people arrive with a letter of referral.


There are others who arrive on their own, accompanied by family or the Red Magen David teams.


After identifying the patient and filling out all the registration details at the admissions desk, the patient is then referred with his file for examination in the E. R. In cases when the patient arrives by ambulance, or cannot perform registration by himself due to his condition or emergency of the case, a secretary will come to his side and take down all the necessary information needed to open a file for him.


When a number of people arrive at once (such as accident victims), the secretary will enter and leave the necessary papers on the patients' beds, returning later to gather everything and open the file correctly, so as not to delay in admitting these patients.


If someone should forget his I.D. number, the secretary gives him a fictitious one until he or a family member is able to bring her the correct number. The same is done when a patient arrives and cannot give her his name.


If someone arrives after being involved in some type of irregular event - an accident or a fight - the secretary reports this to the police and records the name of the person who received the report.


When a patient arrives with valuables or money on his person, and there is no family member accompanying him, his possessions are taken and accounted for by the secretary in the presence of the nurse on duty, recorded and put into a special vault. Upon demand, when being discharged, the patient must then sign that he has received his possessions, after checking that all is in order.


Admitting a foreign resident:

Foreign residents who turn to the E. R. must bring identification and the name of the company with which they are insured. The secretary then calls the insurance company, and after receiving clarification, admits the patient. If the foreign resident is not insured, he is given an explanation as to the reason why he may not be admitted. If he is insured, he will be admitted, after which the secretary again informs the insurance company about the person's hospitalization details.


If a foreign resident arrives due to an accident that occurred at work, he must provide the admissions office with the appropriate ''250-form''. If not, the secretary calls the company with which he is employed and asks for monetary cover form by fax. Should that be impossible, an accompanying person must sign a promissory note.


Admitting a resident from the Palestinian Authority area:

If, as a result of an accident at work, a resident from the PA area arrives at the hospital without the necessary papers, or information regarding the company with which he is employed, the secretary calls the company and asks to fax the correct forms.


If a resident from the PA area arrives, not as a result of an accident which occurred at work, he is given an explanation regarding the fees he will be expected to pay. If he is admitted, he must give the secretary a check for deposit for all the tests being done, reporting this also to management and to the security officer.


Admittance / Discharge procedure for hospitalized patients


Admitting emergency cases:

Patients are admitted for immediate hospitalization through the Emergency Room, following opening a file for him/her and printing stickers. Any patients who were admitted this way, have their details transferred to the Kupat Cholim Klalit’s center (here in the hospital) during the morning shift, where the respective secretary immediately remits “Form 17”’s for the admitted patients belonging to K.C. Klalit.


The secretary in the Admissions Office attaches the forms to the respective payment cards and updates the computer.


Patients who are admitted through the Emergency Room and do not belong to K.C. Klalit, will be requested only upon their discharge to sign a liability form until they bring in a “Form 17” from their clinic.


Admitting elective patients:

Elective patients who come in for hospitalization must present a “Form 17” upon arrival to the Admissions Office, along with verification for receiving blood (should the need arise during hospitalization).


Elective patients are not admitted without a “Form 17”.


Discharging patients:

During the regular working hours the Admissions Office discharges patients. If a patient is discharged during any other time of day, he/she must do so through the Emergency Room.


Patients who are referred to the Admissions Office must bring a “Discharge form” from the department in which they had been hospitalized. The Admissions Office checks to see that all papers are in order, updates the computer and signs the “Discharge form”. The patient, in turn, must take this back to the department where he receives a letter for his family doctor, written by the physician in charge.


If the patient still has not brought in a “Form 17” from his/her clinic during his hospitalization, he will be requested to sign a liability form, until he is able to remit the form. If the patient has been in an accident, he/she must remit a police report on the incident so that the insurance company will pay for the hospitalization.


The files that are not completed are then transferred to the Collection Department for further handling. The completed files are filed in the Admissions Office.


Patient discharge:

Patients are discharged concluding their hospitalization - sometimes to another department, hospital or rehabilitation center, but generally, to their homes. The secretary checks to see if all the papers are in order and if there is monetary cover for the treatment and tests performed during hospitalization. She will demand a fee for the necessary tests, if not covered by the medicare company or another suitable factor, after which the patient is released from HYMC or transferred to another department, according to the doctor's decision.

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Useful information


HYMC management offices, Emergency Room entrance



Director: 04-7744238

Admission/discharge desk: 04-7744281

Admission/discharge desk: 04-7744284

Maternity: 04-7744328

Emergency Room: 04-7744396

Pediatrics: 04-7744548





For more details:

[email protected]



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