Botox Clinic


Dr. Yaron River, Department of Neurology
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About the clinic

The clinic, one of six similar clinics in Israel (but the only one in northern Israel) is a unique clinic that uses Botox injections to relieve the symptoms of various disorders of the central nervous system.


These disorders affect the neurological systems controlling complex body movements. Their disruption results in involuntary spasms, physical dysfunction, uncontrollable pain, etc.


Apart from treating movement disorders, Botox can be injected to treat chronic migraine sufferers.

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Useful information

Scheduling an appointment

Appointments can be made with an appropriate referral from a family physician or neurologist, along with a payment undertaking from the HMO.


Treatment for patients suffering from spasticity and involuntary movements is covered by the health basket.



Opening hours

The clinic is open on Monday afternoons. To schedule an appointment, email a referral letter to: [email protected] or fax number 04-6332861.

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