Pulmonary Clinic


Clinic Director: Dr. Michael Kuchuk, Director of the hospital’s Pulmonary Unit.
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About the clinic

The clinic is directed by a doctor who is a specialist in internal medicine and lung diseases, and serves those insured by all the healthcare services.


The clinic offers consultations, clarification, and follow-up for people referred for pulmonary testing by primary care doctors, or by the hospital departments after release from hospitalization.


The clinic offers: 

  • Bronchoscopes 
  • Invasive testing for pulmonary diseases 
  • Investigation and diagnosis – diseases of the pulmonary pleura and pleural effusion 
  • Investigation of shortness of breath, chronic coughs, and pulmonary nodules 
  • Diagnosis and treatment of asthma 
  • Diagnosis and treatment of damage from smoking and diseases resulting from smoking 
  • Diagnosis and investigation of malignant pulmonary diseases and lung tumors 
  • Diagnosis and treatment of lung tissue diseases and lung scarring 
  • Sarcoidosis and pulmonary fibrosis 
  • Treatment and diagnosis of bronchitis and emphysema 
  • Occupational lung diseases
  • And more
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Useful information

How to reach us?

The clinic is currently open twice weekly, in the hospital Out-Patient Clinics area.


When coming to the clinic, please bring a referral from your primary care doctor and payment authorization from the health fund (Tofes 17).


To schedule an appointment at the clinic, call the Medical Center’s Appointment Call Center at 04-7744252 or *6742.

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