Electrophysiology unit

Director: Prof. Eran Leshem

Cardiac implanted device service: Dr. Mark Kazatsker


At Hillel Yaffe MC, expert electrophysiologists treat patients with all types of conditions that cause abnormal heartbeats, from various atrial arrhythmias to ventricular tachycardia.


Treatment for an irregular heartbeat may include specific medications, a pacemaker or implantable defibrillator, or an ablation procedures for correcting arrhythmias that may cause symptoms and can be sometimes lethal. All types of invasive treatments for heart arrhythmia are carried out in a state-of-the-art cath lab offering the most advanced diagnosis and treatment methods.


The outpatient arrhythmia clinic offers arrhythmia management for patients with even the most complex arrhythmias, including pre and post-procedural follow up.


Worldwide and locally, there is a steady rise in the number of pacemakers implanted, including dual-chamber pacemakers and defibrillators. The electrophysiology and pacing team, implant conventional devices in addition to leadless pacemakers, subcutaneous ICDs and conduction system pacing devices


Likewise, the Pacemaker Service includes a large number of clinics for a range of arrhythmia and atrioventricular problems and provides care for patients with implanted cardiac devices. Routine and urgent outpatient clinic appointments are available daily. Home monitoring device surveillance is performed on a regular basis between normally scheduled visits.


A unique syncope clinic is routinely held in cooperation with the Neurology department with a special focus on treating unexplained syncope. Advanced monitoring and invasive cardiac treatment is applied when deemed necessary.

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