Residency at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center

The residency period is a challenging and complex stage of your professional training, in which you will face many challenges. We at Hillel Yaffe do our best to be attentive and present for those who have chosen to do their residency with us and try to help them advance in their medical work.


For information and to schedule a meeting:


Residency Committee Chairman: Dr. Ofer Kobo


Acting Committee Chairperson: Prof. Rinat Gabay Ben Ziv


Physician Sector Director, Human Resources Department Sivan Habaz, Tel: 04-7744657 [email protected]


Committee Secretary: Tanya Binayev, Telephone: 04-7744248.



Residency at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center

Residency at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center is a period during which the hospital allows you to build your future with us, by specializing in a variety of medical professions, guided by our senior physicians, and will being part of rotations if necessary, learning, training, preparation for residency Stage A and B examinations, and everything required to support the training required for the demanding medical profession.


Our goal: To train the next generation of physicians optimally and appropriately for the resident themselves and the organization. The hospital is strict about implementing the agreement signed in 2011 regarding duty shifts and payments. Residents who demonstrate attentiveness, learning and willingness take part in all areas of research and academics - including writing and publishing articles, participation in conferences locally and overseas, and more.


Hillel Yaffe Medical Center is constantly growing to keep up with the needs of the environment it serves. Accordingly, there is natural growth of the medical departments and units as well as their staffing. This translates into professional opportunities and a promising career path.


Hillel Yaffe Medical Center uses advanced technologies in imaging, invasive and minimally invasive medicine, and residents are exposed to the most advanced surgical methods and equipment in Israel and the world in numerous fields of medicine. Our residents benefit from guidance and instruction of world-renowned experts, which enables them to maximize the benefit of their residency.


All the hospital's departments are recognized for residency. The hospital supports programs that provide a direct track to fellowship. The hospital has a fellowship program that is recognized by the Israeli Medical Association.


Academia and research

Hillel Yaffe Medical Center is affiliated with the Technion’s Rappaport Faculty of Medicine in Haifa, and it conducts diverse and comprehensive academic activity. The affiliation with the Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine is reflected in the ongoing instructional activity for medical students in the main clinical professions, the academic appointments of the hospital's physicians and diverse research programs.


Hillel Yaffe Medical Center enables the resident to participate in the teaching of students and academic advancement in the faculty as part of the teaching staff. We encourage research and the inclusion of residents in academic activity, including research in laboratories and guidance in basic science.


Publications by residents

Residents conduct research work at the hospital, which is then expounded on in academic writing and publications. The first professional book of its kind in the field of trauma and emergency surgery was recently published, and trauma and emergency surgery residents were partners in its writing. This book brings together all the professional literature that outlines the current standards of care worldwide.


Resident enrichment and development

Outstanding resident - once a year, an outstanding resident is selected. In addition to the recognition, they also receive a financial reward.


The Hila Program - a special program in partnership with the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation and Friends of Hillel Yaffe for the development of leadership and medical excellence. It is intended for outstanding residents who will serve as the hospital’s next generation of physicians, researchers and leaders. The program provides them with personal and professional development tools. It is a seven-year program, during which the resident is provided with a support network and guidance. Read more >>


Re-Search Program - a program for young physicians that provides them with current and practical tools for writing scientific research articles, including personal guidance, professional instruction, assistance in defining the research plan and more. Read more >>


Academic appointments - possibility of receiving a junior academic appointment for residents at the Technion’s Faculty of Medicine in Haifa.


Support for fellowships - doing a fellowship with the assistance of the department directors and hospital, providing an opportunity for professional advancement. A fellowship can be done as a continuation of residency or during the residency itself. This further education is done at leading medical centers worldwide.


Grants and scholarships - there is a program for grants and scholarships awarded by the Mutual Assistance Fund of Hadera Physicians.


Conditions offered for residency

  • Guidance for Phase A and B exams. 
  • Assistance in funding professional literature. 
  • Comprehensive scientific library with access to key databases. 
  • Close to the center of Israel, accessible by public transportation. 
  • Supplement to salary according to Physicians’ Agreement. 
  • Free parking on the hospital campus.

Onboarding process of new resident

  • Contacting the candidate and sending materials before onboarding. 
  • Personal guidance throughout the process, including completing pension forms, criminal background check .
  • Completing documents and presenting relevant certificates. 
  • Accepting the resident and performing a well-organized onboarding process that includes hospital orientation. 
  • Issuing an employee badge. 
  • Accompanying the physician to the department, granting the privileges required. 
  • Adding the physician to the attendance system, issuing passwords, explaining how attendance is reported at the medical center.

Ongoing activity of Head of Residents in the Human Resources Department

  • Assessing residents during their residency. 
  • Providing feedback on residency. 
  • Deciding on continuation of residency at the end of the trial period. 
  • Monitoring compliance with the residency program. 
  • Guiding them on rotations and basic sciences. 
  • Mentoring them on taking tests. 
  • Planning the end of the residency and submitting forms for receipt of specialist certification in parallel with planning the continued integration of the outstanding physicians as senior physicians at the medical center. 
  • Assistance with scholarships for research and further education.
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